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Interactive Map of Drug Overdose Deaths
Drug overdose deaths are an unfortunate reality in the U.S., especially as these numbers continue to grow. While most people don’t intend to overdose, the reality is that everyone who engages in substance abuse is vulnerable. The question of how to prevent overdoses is complex, and is made even more difficult with the rise in synthetic opioids, poly-drug use, and medical prescriptions.

Substance Abuse Prevention for Students Entering the Workforce

A Guide for Employees and Employers
While substance abuse relating to binge drinking and opioid use has dropped among college students, near-daily use of marijuana and nicotine vaping apparatuses has significantly increased. It remains important to understand factors that contribute to substance abuse among college students, and to promote healthy behaviors. This demographic is at high-risk due to a combination of factors, including typical age, social influences, and stressors.

Additionally, younger college students may not yet have developed healthy coping mechanisms or be knowledgeable about the resources available to them. It is very important that college students improve their behaviors and broaden their understanding of resources before they join the workforce, for the sake of their wellbeing, as well as for the sake of business operations, and the health of communities as a whole.

This guide will detail the landscape of drug abuse from college and beyond. It will provide insights for students, friends, family, educators, and prospective employers to promote productive support for individuals who may be struggling with substance abuse as they prepare for and enter the workforce.
Substance Abuse Trends Among College Students

Recent statistical trends relating to the abuse of various substances among college include:

Nicotine: As of Fall 2020, 22.1% of college student respondents said they had used nicotine or tobacco products daily or almost daily.
Alcohol: A 2019 national survey found that 9% of full-time college students between the ages of 18 and 20 met the criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder in the preceding year.
Marijuana: A 2018 survey found that one in 17 college students stated that they used marijuana on a daily or near-daily basis.
Prescription drugs: According to a 2010 study conducted at the University of Maryland, approximately 35.8% of student respondents said they had diverted a prescription medication at least once in their lifetime.
Opioids: A 2018 survey found that 2.7% of surveyed college students had misused prescription opioids.
Stimulants: Many reports estimate the prevalence of prescription stimulant abuse among college students at approximately 20%.
Inhalants: According to one 2013 survey, an average of 76,000 full-time college students had tried inhalants for the first time in the preceding 12 months.
Hallucinogens: According to a SAMHSA survey conducted between 2011 and 2014, 9,808 full-time college students surveyed used hallucinogens on an average day.

How Alcohol Impacts Sleep – What You Should Know

Those who you drink alcohol have probably had a had a night where a few drinks left them feeling drowsy. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it can help one fall asleep faster. However, it can affect the quality of our sleep, and not in a good way.

In 2013, researchers reviewed 20 studies centered on alcohol and sleep for an overarching look at the detrimental impacts of alcohol on nighttime rest. “This review confirms that the immediate and short-term impact of alcohol is to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep,” Irshaad Ebrahim, director of the London Sleep Center and lead author of the review, said in a statement. “In addition, the higher the dose, the greater the impact on increasing deep sleep.”

The review also found that alcohol reduces the time spent in REM sleep. “In sum,” said Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, “alcohol, on the whole, is not useful for improving a whole night’s sleep. Sleep may be deeper to start with, but then becomes disrupted. Additionally, that deeper sleep will probably promote snoring and poorer breathing. So, one shouldn’t expect better sleep with alcohol.”

This piece will cover all the different ways alcohol affects sleep, including making us fall asleep quicker, decreasing the amount of time spent in REM sleep, contributing to vivid dreams and nightmares, increasing the number of times we wake up during the night, and upping our risk of obstructive sleep apnea.

It will also touch on how hangovers can affect sleep and the links between alcohol use disorder and sleep. Finally, our alcohol and sleep guide will offer resources for anyone who wants to learn more about how alcohol affects sleep, as well as resources for anyone concerned about their drinking or seeking assistance for alcohol use disorder.


Recognizing Substance Abuse and Addiction in Older Adults—And How to Help
When people think about substance abuse and addiction, they often imagine young adults living with this. While it’s true teenagers are at a higher risk for substance abuse as a group, research done on the elderly population is, to say the least, lacking.

Despite the low amount of research, it’s widely believed that substance abuse and addiction in the elderly is a hidden epidemic in the U.S. and worldwide.

While no one wants to imagine their parents or grandparents may have problems with substance abuse or addiction—especially if they have no history—it’s essential to keep an eye out for these challenges. This guide will explain the importance of the issue, how to recognize the signs of use and abuse of different substances, and how to help.

Important Definitions Regarding Substance Abuse, Addiction, and the Elderly
Who Are Considered “Elderly?”
One of the challenges when discussing substance abuse and addiction within the elderly community is the changing definition of the word “elderly.” While most sources say this group is age 65+, some go as young as 55, while others focus on 70 or 75 and older. In general, though, it’s best to assume experts are talking about 65+ unless otherwise specified.

“Elderly” is often used interchangeably with “seniors,” senior citizens,” and “older adults.” You’ll see all of these used in this piece.

Defining Substance Abuse and Addiction
There are many terms used to describe the use of drugs or alcohol. While substance abuse and addiction are grouped into one diagnosis—substance use disorder (SUD)—by the DSM-V, different organizations and professionals still separate them into categories.

The shortest description is: Substance abuse is a coping mechanism developed in response to triggers, while addiction is a disease involving chemical dependency.

Those living with substance abuse generally have more control over the situation, often drinking or using drugs to deal with stress. They sometimes experience minimal disruption to their lives, but this should still be taken seriously because substance use or abuse of any level—especially for the elderly—can exacerbate health problems.

Those who are addicted to substances tend to have their lives overtaken by their conditions. They usually have a chemical need for alcohol or drugs and very little ability to stop themselves from partaking. It affects their daily lives, and relationships are often damaged.

Addiction to Internet and Phone
Screen Time Statistics: Average Screen Time in US vs. the rest of the world

Worldwide, the average person spends a total of 6 hours and 55 minutes looking at a screen each day (for internet-connected activities). And the majority of this (3 hours and 16 minutes) is spent on mobiles. This includes 2 hours 25 minutes scrolling through social media channels, an hour and a half of streaming music, and 54 minutes listening to podcasts.
But how does this worldwide average compare to the United States and other countries around the world?
Find out below.
The average American spends over 7 hours looking at a screen each day
According to data from DataReportal, the average American spends 7 hours and 11 minutes looking at a screen every day. This is slightly above average and over half an hour longer than the British who average 6 hours and 25 minutes of screen time per day. But it is nearly four hours less than the biggest screen-time consumers, Filipinos, who average nearly 11 hours every day.
On the whole, the biggest screen-time consumers are located in Asia and South America.


Delphi Behavioral Health Group
Addiction in Children: Are There Early Warning Signs?

As we watch our children grow up from helpless babies into functioning beings, our greatest fear is the unknown that appears when we aren’t around. As our children turn into adults, our presence in their lives begins to shrink, and we have to rely on the morals we instilled in them growing up to make the right choices.

Even with everything we’ve taught them, they might succumb to peer pressure in an attempt to fit in with their friends who are experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Experimentation is common in children and young adults, whether with drugs or alcohol or other things, but what happens when it moves past that point? Are there early warning signs for addiction in children?

Substance use in children and teens has a substantial impact on their health and well-being and may cause problems later in their lives, such as addiction. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), along with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommends screening for substance use in children as young as nine years of age. Starting early can help curb potential addiction later in their lives.

Substance Use Statistics Among Children And Teens
As you might expect, alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco are the most commonly abused substances by children and young adults. This is primarily due to its legality throughout the country and easier access.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released figures showing that about two-thirds of students have tried alcohol by 12th grade. Nearly half of high school students between 9th and 12th grade reported using marijuana. An estimated 40 percent of high school students between 9th and 12th grade admitted trying cigarettes, and 20 percent of 12th graders reported using a prescription medication without a prescription.

Despite its legality for anyone under 12, the CDC found that children and young adults ages 12 to 20 consumed ten percent of all alcohol in the United States. Underage drinking can have harmful outcomes and is considered a significant health problem in the country. Excessive drinking is responsible for more than 3,500 deaths and 210,000 years of potential life lost for those under 21. It also cost the United States $24 billion in 2010 and caused 119,000 emergency room visits in 2013.

A 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey interviewed high school students in the past 30 days and found that:
29 percent consumed alcohol
14 percent admitted to binge drinking
Five percent of young adults admitted to driving after drinking
Delphi Behavioral Health Group - (844) 899-5777
1901 West Cypress Creek Rd Suite 600 - Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309


Drug use is prominent across different age ranges of young adults. When drug use starts to interfere with daily activities, then the condition becomes a substance use disorder. Examples of substances linked to substance use include cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamines, inhalants, and anabolic steroids.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over seventy thousand individuals in the United States lost their lives due to overdose in 2017. Adolescents may have some of the most prevalent rates of substance use according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

According to a study on the trends of drug use in adolescents, 81.4% of the older adolescents reported having the chance to use drugs. The research also shows that the median age at the start of drug abuse was 14 years with dependence and 15 years without dependence.
Green Hill Recovery 6112 St Giles St, Raleigh, NC 27612

Over 70% of patients who receive treatment for substance abuse have endured traumatic experiences. Moreover, 59% of adolescents who experience traumatic events develop addictions later in adulthood.

The link between trauma and addiction is real and complex. Traumatic experiences can lead people to abuse substances. Drugs themselves can exacerbate the negative effects of trauma.

The nature of this link is hard to untangle. When we examine the facets and effects of traumatic experiences, we can see how they set the stage for substance abuse and other types of addiction. It also becomes clear that any effective treatment of drug addiction must be trauma-informed.

Sometimes in day-to-day speech, people use the term “trauma” to refer to any stressful experience. Or, people may use the term interchangeably with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To understand how trauma impacts drug use and alcoholism, let’s first unpack exactly what trauma is.
What Is Trauma?
Immediate and Long-Term Impact
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Acute Trauma
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
Trauma: Effects and Symptoms
Trauma Impacts Four Spheres
Trauma Feeding into Addiction
Is Drug Addiction a Disease?
Contact Bridging the Gaps: 31 S. Braddock Street,,Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: 540-306-5944 - Fax: 540-450-1205 -

Is it Getting Better?
The good news is that according to the 2018 Monitoring the Future Survey, teenage drug abuse, aside from marijuana use, is at its lowest level in over two decades.2 Among 12th graders, past-year use of illicit drugs other than marijuana has declined by 30 percent since 2013. According to the survey, substances at historically low levels of use among teenagers include cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, prescription opioids, meth, sedatives and ketamine.

The bad news, many teenagers are still abusing drugs, including more than 12% of high school seniors. We will explore the signs of drug use in teens, including risk factors for teenage drug abuse, signs of teen addiction, and what parents can do if they believe their child is abusing drugs.
Table of Contents
Clear Answers for Optimal Health
How Common is Drug Use by Teens?
Drug Use and the Adolescent Brain
Most Abused Substances by Teens
The Rise of Vaping
Teen Drug Abuse, Dependence, and Addiction
Risk Factors for Teenage Drug Abuse
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Teenagers
Signs of Teenage Drug Use
Where Could My Teen Hide Drugs?
Consequences of Teenage Drug Use
The Health Consequences
Generation RX: The New Teen High
What to Do if Your Teen is Using Drugs
Talking to Your Teen About Drug Use
Additional Prevention Tips
When It's Time for Addiction Treatment
What to Look for in a Treatment Program


A Guide to Understanding Addiction in C-Level Executives
Struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction, or other addictive behaviors can interfere with employees’ lives to the point where they cannot do their jobs. When the addicted employee is a top executive, losing them to addiction can cost the company thousands of dollars in time and money. This article will discuss addiction issues with executives and how to help those executives retain their top career positions.
According to the National Safety Council, about 11% of employees who work in executive, administrative, managerial, or financial occupations have substance use disorders.​​​1 The nature of these occupations makes them more prone to situations that contribute to substance abuse.

Top executives are responsible for their department’s or company’s success, placing them under more stress than others. Executives work irregular hours and are often required to work evenings and weekends, during business lunches or dinners, at trade shows, and in other places where alcohol or drugs are readily available. They also travel frequently, removing them from family or friends’ support, which can further drive substance abuse.​​​2

Personality traits also make top executives more prone to substance abuse. People who reach the “top of the corporate ladder” are often risk-takers who seek new opportunities and strive for success to the point of obsession. These traits fit a top executive position and make a person more prone to addiction because both behavior patterns follow the same pathways in the brain.​​​
Addiction Problems in Corporate America
Executive Retention is the #1 Concern of CEOs
How Addiction Affects Retention
How Behavior Affects Addiction
Work-Life Balance Protects Against Addictions
Engaging and Meaningful Work
How Engagement and Meaning Protect Against Addiction
Removing the Stigma of Addiction from Corporate Culture
Drug-Free Workplaces vs. The Americans with Disabilities Act
How First-Class Addiction Treatment Stops the Cycles of Relapse

Drug/Alcohol Relapse Prevention
What is Relapse?
Relapse is when someone begins using a substance again, after a period of sobriety. A trigger is something that causes a person to start using again. Because everyday life contains many triggers, relapse is not uncommon among people trying to get over their disorder.

Relapse prevention is one of the main goals of all drug or alcohol treatment. When a person becomes addicted to a substance, their brain functions change. These changes make it very challenging for them to overcome their disorder.
What is Relapse Prevention?
Relapse Prevention Plans
Relapse Prevention Skills
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention

The word “addiction” brings to mind images from television of people doing questionable acts to pay for drugs. However, addiction doesn’t happen overnight. What starts as occasional use can turn into addiction without anyone noticing. But there are signs of developing alcohol or drug dependence that you can look out for. By recognizing signs of addiction, it’s possible to avoid this dangerous and sometimes fatal path.
We’ll take a look at the common signs of addiction, the differences in the symptoms of addiction between men, women, and teens, as well as signs of addiction that are specific to certain substances.
Table of Contents
Common Signs of Addiction
Signs as Addiction Progresses
Differences in Drug Use Between Men and Women
Drug Use in Teens
Signs of Addiction to Specific Substances

What is Adderall?
Adderall (dextroamphetamine) is a commonly prescribed drug that was first synthesized in the 1920s. It was discovered by chemist Gordon Alles while he was trying to find a cure for other ailments. Although the initial formula wasn’t quite the drug it is today, it was an essential building block. Various forms were produced between 1930 and 1970, intended to be used as a mood booster or diet pill. Pharmaceutical executive, Roger Griggs, is responsible for the form of dextroamphetamine that is commonly prescribed today.
Article Contents
What is Adderall?
What is it Used to Treat?
Other Similar Drugs
Who Abuses Adderall?
Adderall Side Effects
How Long Does Adderall Last?
Treatment for Adderall Addiction

Is Mixing Alcohol and Drugs Dangerous?
Yes. This article starts by discussing the general and specific dangers of mixing alcohol with other popular drugs like benzodiazepines and opioids. Next, we discuss mixing alcohol with drugs to treat common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. We end the article by exploring addiction treatment options for alcohol use disorders.
Is Alcohol a Drug?
Yes. Alcohol is a drug that affects the central nervous system (CNS). It has a proven ability to temporarily diminish mental capacity and create uncoordinated movement.
Is Alcohol a Depressant?
Yes. Alcohol is a depressant when drank in excess. It works by blocking certain receptors in the brain. The result is slowed cognitive function.
Is Alcohol a Stimulant?
No. Alcohol is not a stimulant. However, the first few drinks of alcohol cause dopamine (the happy chemical) to be released by the brain. This results in powerful feelings of euphoria and short-term stimulation.

Should I Go to Rehab?
7 Signs You Need To Go To Rehab
We're here to help you or your loved one.
Rehab offers an opportunity to detoxify from drugs or alcohol and learn the tools needed to avoid relapse. Most rehabilitation programs are overseen by medical professionals. They allow a person to remove themselves from temptation and spend time in an environment full- or part-time that is exclusively focused on recovery.
How does someone know that he or she needs to go to rehab?

Many people turn to drugs or alcohol to escape their challenges and this leads to a new challenge developing – addiction. It tends to cloud a person’s view of their problems, including that addiction. Figuring out when rehab is necessary is challenging for many people. Often, knowing when to seek professional help requires input from friends or family.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not quite ready to admit you’re struggling with addiction or loved ones have suggested rehab yet. There are a few telltale ways to know if rehab is the next logical step in recovery.

Signs you or a loved one needs to go to rehab:

You are using drugs or alcohol to self-medicate a mental health condition
You struggle with withdrawal symptoms when you stop using drugs or alcohol
You suffer health problems that are linked to substance use
Your priority is using the substance of your choice and other areas of your life, such as your relationships or job are suffering because of it
You have a preoccupation with using drugs or alcohol
You’ve developed a lack of interest and/or motivation for working, attending school, and spending time with family and friends
You’ve stolen money or committed other crimes to obtain drugs or alcohol

Is Addiction Treatment Worth The Cost
How To Pay For Treatment
Factors That Influence the Cost of Addiction Treatment
Is Treatment Worth Its High Cost?
Addiction is expensive. Whether you’re talking about treatment, dealing with the short- and long-term medical consequences, costs associated with the criminal justice system, or funding programs for prevention, the cost of abusing alcohol and drugs is high.

An analysis by the National Institute on Drug Abuses suggests that the total costs of prescription opioid use disorders and overdoses in the U.S. in 2013 was $78 billion. Of that, only 3.6 percent were for treatment.

Treatment programs are a financial investment, but they are proven to reduce the overall cost of addiction.

The US Department of Defense lists the average cost of medically assisted certified opioid treatment programs that utilize methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone as between $5,900 and $14,000 per year.

In addition to the direct cost of rehab, recovery might also include the expense of medication and relapse prevention. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Relapse rates for drugs are similar to rates for other chronic medical illnesses. If people stop following their medical treatment plan, they are likely to relapse.”

Relapse prevention costs must be factored into the overall cost of treatment, but most experts agree the amount spent to help someone with addiction recovery and prevent his or her relapse is still less than what the untreated addiction would cost.

How Long Does It Take To Sober Up?

How Long Does It Take For Alcohol To Wear Off?
Everyone processes alcohol differently based on various factors. The rate at which your body metabolizes alcohol determines how long it takes for you to get drunk and sober up.

Most people feel the effects of alcohol in their bodies for approximately 12 hours. As their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises and decreases, they experience drunkenness that fades into a hangover.
Many factors affect how long alcohol stays in your system, including:

Stomach content when consuming alcoholic drinks
Liver health
Speed at which alcohol was consumed
How much alcohol was consumed
Alcohol Effects & Hangovers

Everyone experiences drunkenness differently, but in general, certain things occur when a person's alcohol consumption is too high. For example, as your BAC level drops after an alcohol binge, you’ll likely experience:

Impaired cognitive functioning
Drowsiness and fatigue
Feelings of general malaise
Nausea or stomach ache
Extreme thirst
Racing heart, jitteriness, and sweating



Am I An Alcoholic?
Alcohol use disorder (AUD), more commonly known as alcoholism, is a chronic relapsing brain disease. It develops with continued alcohol abuse or dependency on alcohol.

Despite alcoholism’s physical and mental health consequences, alcoholics battle an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol intake. This is because alcoholics may struggle when they’re not drinking.

If you have a history of alcoholism or substance abuse in your family, or if you battle depression, you may be at a higher risk of developing alcohol addiction.

If you’re wondering, am I an alcoholic, you’re not alone. An estimated 15 million people cope with alcoholism in the United States. But, in order to tell if you’re an alcoholic, it’s important to understand the difference between binge drinking, alcohol abuse, and alcoholism.

Binge Drinking vs. Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism
Binge drinking, alcohol abuse, and alcoholism are all considered alcohol use disorder (AUD). That said, binge drinking can lead to alcohol abuse, which can ultimately lead to alcoholism.

The NIAAA defines binge drinking as a drinking pattern that elevates one’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08 g/dL. One’s BAC level differs depending on a gamut of factors—from food intake, weight, and medications (or lack thereof). But it typically reaches .08 g/dL after four drinks for women and five drinks for men in about two hours.

Someone who binge drinks now and then is not necessarily an alcohol abuser.
Alcohol abusers continue to drink alcohol despite:

Recurrent, alcohol-induced health problems
Social consequences
Occupational consequences
Legal consequences

Nearly one-third of American adults are deemed excessive drinkers, but only 10 percent of them are considered alcoholics.
People who abuse alcohol may have an easier time breaking their heavy drinking habits, while alcoholics will likely experience dependency-induced consequences.

Alcoholism is characterized by an addiction to alcohol. Alcoholics may suffer withdrawal while not drinking that can complicate their already-impaired ability to quit. This is because alcohol addiction actually causes a chemical change in one’s brain. This drives them to drink more and more often—first for pleasure, then for the avoidance of withdrawal symptoms.


Established for over 15 years, the Abbeycare Group provides private treatment options for those suffering with alcohol and drug addictions, with proven outcomes.

Abbeycare Group operate residential addiction treatment clinics situated throughout the UK. With rehab clinics in Scotland, between Glasgow and Edinburgh, and our flagship clinic in Gloucestershire, we treat people suffering with alcohol and drug addiction and the problems associated with substance dependence and misuse, and have a proven track record.

Abbeycare offer uncompromising treatment programmes for detox and rehabilitation from alcoholism, and drug addiction. Our programmes are open to anybody aged 18 or older who is committed to recovery from alcohol or drug abuse. At Abbeycare, we offer a private addiction rehabilitation programme (rehab) using best practice and proven techniques – addiction rehab that’s designed to help you get to grips with the physical, psychological and emotional implications of your alcohol or drug problem.

At Abbeycare, you will get the support you need to recover from alcohol or drug dependence. You will also learn about making the big changes – in your lifestyle and in your thinking – that will let you maintain your recovery. Abbeycare ensure clients receive the best detox and addiction help available for faster and more comfortable detox and recovery.

We know the fingerprint of addiction, and are ready to help you now.


ETOH ABUSE AND ADDICTION (Ethyl Alcohol abuse)

All across the US, we are seeing large increases in Ethyl Alcohol-related hospital visits and deaths.
What is ETOH?
ETOH is a shorthand abbreviation for ethyl alcohol and is also known as ethanol. This form of alcohol is the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages that leads to intoxication.
People usually consume ethyl alcohol in a diluted concentration. The level of the concentration is measured and is known as the alcohol proof. This is done mainly to improve taste and to lessen the severity of alcohol’s effects.

Ethanol reacts with the body to alter mood and behavior, among other effects. Brewers and distillers usually make it from organic matter with high sugar or carbohydrate content. The human liver can usually filter ethanol from the body. However, it becomes even more toxic when consumed faster than the liver can break it down.
Types of Ethanol Alcohol
How Does Ethanol Affect the Body?
Symptoms of ETOH Abuse and Addiction
Dangers of ETOH Abuse
Treatment for Alcoholism


Opioid Addiction & Abuse
According to the Centers for Disease Control, anyone who takes opioids is at risk of developing an addiction. The opioid epidemic affects millions of people across the United States and is responsible for most of America's overdose deaths.

Opioid Addiction
It is impossible to predict who is particularly vulnerable to opioid dependence. However, the length of time taking the drug and the person’s genetic disposition are the most significant risk factors. According to the CDC, one in four receiving opioid therapy from their doctors will develop a substance use disorder.

As the body builds a physical dependence on the drug, tolerance also builds that will lessen the drug’s effects over time. Those taking the drug will be inclined to take more than they should to achieve the effects they now need. This increase of the dosage beyond what is recommended or prescribed due to their dependence is addiction.

Opioid addiction is a disease that will take over a user’s life and will start as compulsive substance-seeking. Addicts will progressively need more and more opioids and be increasingly unable to control or quit their use. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), when opioid-seeking begins to fail, users often turn to heroin.
Table of Contents
What are Opioids
Effects of Opioids
Opioid Addiction
Common Opioids
Opiates vs. Opioids
Opiate Overdose
Opioid Withdrawal
Opioid Detox
Opioid Rehab
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The Jury Is Still Out: Should You Approach CBD With Caution?
A substance that’s gained attention in recent years is CBD. Although a derivative of the cannabis plant, CBD is a legal substance due to its low THC levels.

So, how does CBD make you feel? Well, cool as a cucumber. That’s because CBD has all of the relaxing benefits of cannabis without the THC effects that cause you to get “high.”

The rising popularity of cannabis combined with the fact that CBD can help ease pain and discomfort makes daily use an easy choice. Where to access CBD is common knowledge, yet how safe it is remains up for debate.

CBD product lines are expanding at a rapid rate, plus an overwhelming number of people believe that the benefits of CBD outweigh its harmful effects. Keep reading to learn why this well-liked substance isn’t exempt from FDA recalls, misleading claims or health risks.
Blog Categories
Addiction and Substance Abuse
Alcohol Addiction
Family Addiction and Intervention
Heroin Addiction
Illicit Drug Addiction
Opioid and Opiate Addiction
Prescription Drug Addiction
Recovery After Rehab
Recovery During Rehab


What is Pliva 434 (Trazodone Hydrochloride)?
Trazodone hydrochloride (pronounced as TRAZ-oh-done) is an FDA-approved, generic prescription drug given to adults to treat serious conditions, such as major depressive disorder (MDD). A common pill imprint of the drug is Pliva 434 (100 mg) or Pliva 433 (50 mg). However, some individuals may be more familiar with the drug’s other brand names like Oleptro®, Desyrel®, and Trialodine® (even though the last two are no longer used).
Pliva 434 is a type of serotonin receptor antagonist and reuptake inhibitor (SARI). This means that the drug helps increase the amount of serotonin in the brain to restore mental balance. Serotonin is a natural chemical produced by the brain for it and nerve cells to function.
Health care professionals may prescribe this drug when other therapeutic options are not suitable. Pliva 434 is available as an oral tablet and as an extended-release tablet.

Individuals who have a personal or family medical history of the following should let their doctors know first before taking this drug:
Bipolar disorder
Heart disease (including heart attacks or irregular heartbeat)
Glaucoma (angle-closure type)
Blood pressure issues
Suicide attempts
Liver or kidney disease

Side Effects of Trazodone (Pliva 434)
Is Pliva 434 Addictive?
What Other Drugs Affect Trazodone?
What to Discuss With Your Healthcare Provider Before Taking Pliva 434


Stimulant Addiction and Abuse

What are Stimulants
Stimulants are a broad classification that includes many different substances. These drugs include common compounds such as caffeine and nicotine, illicit substances such as cocaine and meth, and prescription amphetamines such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta.
Stimulants work by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which triggers the brain’s reward system and the body’s cardiovascular system, respectively. The increase in these chemicals improves concentration and decreases fatigue, desirable effects for those with stress, narcolepsy, or treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
This makes stimulants very popular and commonly abused, especially among young adults seeking to outperform their peers in academics, athletics, or in the workforce. While stimulants can provide beneficial short-term effects, long-term abuse of these drugs often has severe consequences such as cardiovascular damage and a risk of addiction.

Addiction to Stimulants
Stimulants have a high-risk of addiction as the user’s brain will become dependent on the drug to produce dopamine, its reward chemical. This physical dependency leads to addiction and will cause withdrawal symptoms when the drug use stops.
For those suffering an addiction to stimulants, these substances become the main priority in their life. Addicts often ignore the personal or health-related consequences caused by their substance use disorder. Stimulants flood the brain with the pleasure-inducing and behavior-reinforcing chemical dopamine, which is the primary cause for most drug addictions.
Table of Contents
What are Stimulants
Addiction to Stimulants
Physical Effects of Stimulants
Psychological Effects
Types of Stimulants
Stimulant Detox
Stimulant Inpatient Rehab
Stimulant Outpatient Rehab
Stimulant Ongoing Treatment
Getting Help
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Recover From Drug & Alcohol Addiction - In Scenic Cape COD

Recovering Champions is a comprehensive drug & alcohol treatment program in Massachusetts specializing in substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. To give our clients the best chance of recovery, we offer a structured yet personalized approach that fosters life-changing experiences of hope and freedom. We support each of our clients through a warm, encouraging, and vibrant safe space on beautiful Cape Cod, which helps each member of our community to develop lasting relationships, define long-term goals, and achieve ongoing success.

Our Mission
To help those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction learn a new way of life, develop meaningful relationships and goals, and maintain the daily process of recovery into the future.

Teen Drug Use Statistics
An annual 2017 survey found that past-year illicit drug use (other than marijuana) were at the lowest levels in over two decades. Results for past-year illicit drug use in 2017 was 5.8% among 8th graders, 9.4% among 10th graders, and 13.3% among 12th graders. Peak rates were 13.1 for 8th graders in 1996, 18.4% for 10th graders in 1996, and 21.6% for 12th graders in 2001

Although there has been a decline in teenage illicit drug use, adolescent perceptions of potential dangers associated with drugs have also declined. The percentage of middle school and high school individuals who view certain drugs as dangerous and harmful is lower than it has been in recent years.

Also, despite the overall decline in teenagers’ illicit drug use, almost half of all college students have used drugs in their lifetime. In 2016, 45% of male college students and 42% of female college students reported having used an illegal drug.

Male - Used an illegal drug - 45%
Female - Used an illegal drug - 42%
Additionally, the need for substance abuse treatment for young people in the United States is exceptionally high. Ten million young people aged 12 to 29 require substance abuse treatment, and only 1 in 10 adolescents who have a substance use disorder receive the treatment they need.

Substance use can have a severe impact on a teenager’s development and overall health and wellbeing. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a guide for substance abuse screening in pediatric practices so pediatricians can effectively address substance use concerns. The AAP recommends beginning the screening process at nine years of age.

Table of Contents
Teen Drug Use Statistics
Drugs Commonly Used
Effects on Developing Brain
How to Talk to Your Teen
Experimentation vs. Addiction
Signs of Drug Abuse

Opioid use and Your Sleep Cycle
When you think about opioid use, your mind probably goes to pain relief. But, did you know that opioids can affect other systems in your body? Did you know that using opioids (both prescription and illegal) can affect the human sleep-wake cycle? Opioid use affects the human body in many ways, and the sleep cycle is no exception.
Table of Contents:
Opioid use and Your Sleep Cycle
What are Opioids?
How do Opioids Works?
Side Effects of Opioid Use
The Science Behind Opioid Addiction
How Opioids Affect Sleep
The Bottom Line
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Neck Pain and Sleep
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"And I just can't keep living this way
So Starting today
I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons
I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground
I've has enough, now I'm so fed up
time to put my life back together right now (now)
It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally
For you, so I could come back a brand new me..."

-Not Afraid, Lyrics - Eminem

Table of Contents
Devouring Disease
The Cycle of Addiction
Recognizing Addiction
Are you Addicted?
Ready for Rehab?
10 Signs your Ready for Rehab
Inside Rehab
Inside New Leaf Detox & Treatment
Choose Rehab, Choose Life


Nearly 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2019. That’s an increase of 5% from 2018. 1
From Janis Joplin to Jimi Hendrix to Jim Morrison to Prince and more – drug overdoses have claimed the lives of many talented and well-loved celebrities. While these famous deaths are the rock n’ roll lifestyle fatalities that make the headlines, a drug overdose can happen to anyone.

Drug overdoses are a serious health issue and a risk for anyone who uses drugs – whether by prescription or recreationally. It’s critical to understand what a drug overdose is, why it occurs and what happens in the body when someone overdoses.

If someone you care about is using drugs, you may be worried about their risk of overdosing and wondering how you can help them. It’s essential to know how to react in this medical emergency, as this knowledge may save their life.

Keep reading to learn more about drug overdoses, how they happen and a few other very important things you should know.
Table of Contents
What Is A Drug Overdose?
What Drugs Do People Overdose On?
Are There Factors That Put People At Risk Of A Drug Overdose?
What Are The Signs That Somebody Is Overdosing? 13
Are All Overdoses Fatal?
What Is The Treatment For An Overdose?

The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and prescription medications affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans. SAMHSA’s 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (PDF | 1.6 MB) reports that approximately 20.3 million people aged 12 or older had a substance use disorder in the past year.


The 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that 139.8 million Americans age 12 or older were past month alcohol users, 67.1 million people were binge drinkers in the past month, and 16.6 million were heavy drinkers in the past month.
About 2.2 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in 2018 drank alcohol in the past month, and 1.2 million of these adolescents binge drank in that period (2018 NSDUH).
Approximately 14.8 million people age 12 or older had an alcohol use disorder (2018 NSDUH).
Excessive alcohol use can increase a person’s risk of stroke, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, cancer, and other serious health conditions.
Excessive alcohol use can also lead to risk-taking behavior, including driving while impaired. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver daily.

Data from the 2018 NSDUH reports that 58.8 million people were current (i.e., past month) tobacco users. Specifically, 47.0 million people aged 12 or older in 2018 were past month cigarette smokers.
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death, often leading to lung cancer, respiratory disorders, heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses. The CDC reports that cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States.
The CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health reports that more than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking cigarettes.

An estimated 808,000 people had used heroin in the past year, based on 2018 NSDUH data.
In 2018, there were 10.3 million people age 12 or older who misused opioids in the past year. The vast majority of people misused prescription pain relievers (2018 NSDUH).
An estimated 2.0 million people aged 12 or older had an opioid use disorder based on 2018 NSDUH data.
Opioid use, specifically injection drug use, is a risk factor for contracting HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. The CDC reports that people who inject drugs accounted for 9 percent of HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2016.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Understanding the Epidemic, an average of 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.

AA Proven Effective for Abstinence
Clinically Reviewed By Daniel Callahan MSW, CAP
Author Editorial Team
Updated On October 12th, 2020
It’s a well-established fact that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and many other twelve-step programs based on AA, are successful. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be over 2 million AA members worldwide. Joining is free and as simple as showing up. It’s a wonderful program for recovering alcoholics, and it’s a brilliant option for those with limited resources, unable to enter into a professional treatment program or receive professional aftercare. However, AA and similar groups are not treatment programs. They are meetings that encourage long-term sobriety using open conversation and the famous twelve steps.

So is AA truly an effective method of staying sober? Members would obviously say yes, and this is something known as self-selection bias. AA works for people who join because they were motivated to join. Nobody forces membership – it is entirely voluntary. The effectiveness of AA cannot be measured for those who are not in AA.

Here’s a simpler way to describe self-selection bias… Say 100 students are going to take an exam a week from now. The day before the exam, there is a study course, which half of the students take. Exam scores are significantly higher for those who took the course, but that does not necessarily mean the study course was effective. Motivation, status, studiousness, prior exam-taking experience, and many more factors caused that half of the students to take the study course. The study course’s effectiveness can only be measured if all 100 students take it and then test scores are compared from before and after.

So what if self-selection bias were to be removed from the equation? What if there was a way to determine the effectiveness of AA overall, not just for those who self-selected themselves into the group? A study published recently by UK-based Drug and Alcohol Findings (DAF) found a way.

What is Alcohol Abuse?
Alcohol abuse is the abuse and misuse of liquor, wine, and beer. It is not about how much you drink or when you drink. It is about the effect that drinking alcohol has on you and your life. Alcohol abuse can escalate quickly into a use disorder, indicating an addiction.

Alcoholism, or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is the chronic dependence and consumption of alcohol. The disease arises when consumption cannot be controlled either due to physical or emotional obsessions with drinking. Individuals suffering from alcohol use disorders continue to drink, even as increasing harm comes to them and their loved ones. They will also experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop drinking.

You do not have to drink every day to have an alcohol use disorder. Drinking over the long-term often leads to dependency and dire life consequences for the individual. When abuse becomes compulsive, physical addiction occurs.
Table of Contents
What is Alcohol Abuse?
Types of Alcohol Abuse
Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Signs of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Alcohol Detox
Alcohol Rehab
Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

How We Choose The Best Rehab Centers

Published on June 17, 2019 | Written by the AddictionResource Editorial Team

Choosing the best rehab centers to highlight is no easy task, and we aim to provide only the most integral, accurate, and current information regarding these facilities for our audience.

Every rehab facility promoted within our website has been reviewed by our editorial team using a predetermined set of criteria.
Our Criteria For Choosing The Best Rehab Centers And Rehab Programs
Each addiction treatment and recovery experience will vary. However, long-term studies conducted on treatment for substance abuse and addiction have found that the most effective rehab programs include the following features:

A variety of rehab programs: because each person differs from the next, recovery experiences will also differ. Treatment should be customizable to fit each person’s unique needs.
Ready availability for new patients: incoming recovering individuals often need treatment right away and cannot afford to be placed on a waiting list.
Multidisciplinary approach: more than ⅔ of those coming into addiction treatment are fighting a co-occurring mental health disorder or an additional substance use disorder. All issues must be treated at the same time for a greater chance at lasting recovery results.
Long-term rehab program options: Short-term treatment can be effective, but for those with severe addictions, long-term is proven the most effective form of treatment.
Behavioral therapies: addiction is a disease which affects the brain and body, altering behavior. Much of recovery is spent modifying behavior in order to manage addiction.
Medication-assisted treatment: the most addictive drugs cause harrowing withdrawal, which keeps individuals from successfully entering recovery. Certain medications can help curb withdrawal symptoms so a person can receive treatment.
Medically supervised detox: it’s extremely important that anyone who needs detox receive proper medical monitoring, medication, and support during this process.
Ongoing treatment assessments: each individual will progress through treatment and recovery at their own rate. Close monitoring during treatment ensures their recovery plans are modified to their needs and gives them the best support possible.
It’s important to note that not all rehab programs will offer all of these methods, but the best rehab programs will offer the majority of these effective treatment features. We aim to select rehab centers with programs offering as many effective features as possible.

For those which are lacking any components, they often offer referral services and access to resources to help recovering individuals fill in any treatment gaps and receive the best care possible.


A Complete Guide to Substance Abuse in College
Julie Goldberg
Featuring expert review from Julie Goldberg, MA, LAC

Leandra Spilka
Q&A with current college student Leandra Spilka

Substance abuse is by no means an issue just among college students—it affects people of all ages and education levels. The college years in particular are a unique time in a person’s life—they can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, which can contribute to the conditions for substance abuse by some students.

This guide addresses substance abuse in college, with the goal of helping students, faculty, and staff understand how to recognize signs and what to do.

What Is Substance Abuse vs. Substance Use?
When discussing drugs and alcohol, substance use and substance abuse are often used interchangeably—yet they have very different meanings.

Substance use is the consumption of any alcohol or drug. Meeting a friend for an after-work beer is substance use, but it does not indicate an issue or pattern of harm.

Substance abuse occurs when someone continues to use alcohol or drugs despite patterns of harm and misuse. Failing your mid-term due because you were partying and then sleeping through the final after a night of drinking is a sign of substance abuse.

In general, if substance use is negatively impacting relationships, academics, sleep, or health, it may be time to cut back. There aren’t specific numbers or hard and fast “rules” that define a substance use disorder. But if you or someone you know continue to use substances despite negative outcomes, you should start paying attention. More detailed warning signs are provided later on this page

How to Find a State-Funded Rehabilitation Center

For individuals or loved ones struggling with drug or alcohol addiction who have limited resources to pay for treatment is an option. State-funded programs may be an affordable option to get started on the road to recovery. The Directory of Single State Agencies for Substance Abuse Services provides contact information for each state’s governing substance abuse agency. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration also provides a comprehensive listing of options available in each state.

What Are State-Funded Rehab Centers?
Who Qualifies for State-Funded Rehab?
How Quickly Will Treatment Begin?
How Does State-Funded Rehab Compare?
How Does Cost Compare?
Paying for Treatment
Rehab Centers Near Me

The internet has provided the opportunity for anyone to publish information online, and it can be difficult to separate credible information from untrustworthy sources.

In a scientific credibility review, researchers found that nearly three-fourths of the leading health articles shared online were either entirely false or had some portion of misinformation.

Whenever you are scouring the internet, you want to make sure you are obtaining your information from a reliable, unbiased provider. This is especially true in finding health information. Health literacy is important because the wrong diagnosis, suggestion, tip or treatment can be detrimental to the reader.

Finding information about symptoms or identifying health concerns can not only save you from spending

What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?
Alcohol use disorder (AUD), previously called alcohol addiction, occurs when a person excessively drinks on a regular basis and cannot control their alcohol use. Someone with an AUD also experiences physical alcohol dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms if they stop drinking abruptly.
In some cases, small daily amounts of alcohol offer health benefits. For example, drinking one glass of red wine each night delivers antioxidants that can help reduce your risk of heart disease and lowers bad cholesterol.
When alcohol consumption exceeds moderate amounts and begins to take over your life, it no longer offers these health benefits. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption often leads to an alcohol use disorder (alcohol addiction).
“60 percent of all Americans over the age of 18 report drinking within the last month. Of these, 8 percent suffer from alcohol addiction.”
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism report from 2017
Regular Alcohol Consumption vs Alcohol Addiction
Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder (Alcohol Addiction)
Risk Factors of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Health Complications Associated with Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol Effects, Addiction Treatment, and Resources
Our comprehensive site will provide you with everything you need to know about alcohol misuse, abuse, and addiction. Learn about alcohol’s effects on the body and mind, alcohol use disorder, and treatment options.
Alcohol Effects
Addiction Treatment
Addiction Resources

Fentanyl – The Real Deal: All You Need to About the Deadly Drug



For over 10 years, Granite Recovery Centers has been transforming the lives of alcohol and drug dependent adults from New England and well beyond. Our New Hampshire addiction treatment centers offer a unique blend of evidence-based clinical psychotherapies with a comprehensive 12-Step curriculum. Our addiction treatment programs feature a full continuum of care that includes medical detox, medication-assisted treatment, primary residential treatment, extended care, sober living, and intensive outpatient counseling. Our success is evidenced by our active, growing alumni community, each of whom will tell you that what we do, along with the skills we provide, saved their lives – and continues to do so.

College Students Guide to Ergonomics

We often discuss a sedentary lifestyle in the context of adults who work in jobs that require them to spend long periods of time sitting, but there’s a demographic less often discussed but perhaps just as impacted by being sedentary.

What Is a Sedentary Lifestyle?
College Students and Sedentary Lifestyles
Sitting and Back Pain
Being Sedentary and Mental Health
Tips to Be Less Sedentary
Ergonomic Tips for College Students
General Tips
Use a Laptop Riser
Making Your Dorm Bed More Comfortable
Summing Up—Ergonomics For College Students


Florida Drug & Alcohol Detox » Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources
Florida is home to beautiful palm trees and beaches with crystal-clear water and white sand. From shopping to relaxing on the beach, it’s certainly a place that soothes the soul. If you’re searching for the right rehab program in Florida, we can help guide you in the process.
Unfortunately, Florida is no stranger to the drug epidemic sweeping this country. Florida’s opioid overdose rate has tripled since the turn of the century according to Florida’s Statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council 2016 Annual Report, and “there has been a substantial increase in deaths associated with fentanyl and heroin-related drug use.”
Table of Contents
What It Takes To Get Free From Addiction
Common Questions About Addiction Treatment, Rehab and Recovery
Guides for Individuals Dealing with Substance Abuse In Loved Ones
Information Regarding Common Questions About Addiction
Types Of Treatment Programs
Find the Right Rehab For Your Recovery Process.
Don’t Waste Anymore Time, Get Help Today!

My current initiative is to assist seniors in this time of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed our lifestyles, and it has made seniors even more vulnerable to a problem that was already a crisis in the US: isolation, loneliness, and mental health struggles among our seniors.

Preventing those issues while maintaining a safe lifestyle during the pandemic has presented new challenges. My hope is that some simple measures can help, for example, using internet technologies to connect with friends and families.

So, I am aiming to increase access to relevant information for both caregivers and seniors themselves.

It is properly researched and includes practical tips for maintaining mental health during this crisis.
Hailey Durand
Web Advocates
1541 Ocean Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90401

The aging population, ages 65 and older, is one of the most vulnerable demographic groups in the United States. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic puts seniors and their mental health at significant risk.

Seniors are more likely to have chronic health problems, lower income levels, and isolated living situations.

This combination increases the risk of poor cognitive function, dementia, heart disease, and stroke.1, 2 It even brings a greater risk of contracting illnesses like the common cold, and suffering from more intense symptoms.3

Even for healthy adults, loneliness is as dangerous to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day, according to a study published in 2015.4 Another report, published in 2013, found that older men and women who were lonely or isolated had a significantly higher risk of dying.5

Because seniors are more likely to experience serious consequences after contracting COVID-19, many must stay in their homes or retirement communities, without seeing friends, family, or even neighbors for weeks at a time.

Loneliness and fear have a huge impact on mental health, which in turn has a big impact on physical health.

Seniors can learn to manage their mental health until the COVID-19 situation stabilizes and social distancing orders can be eased.

While there is no easy solution, there are things that can be done to improve overall outlook and boost mental well-being during these challenging times.

History is full of stories of intimate partner violence

In ancient Rome, men had life and death power over wives. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the “rule of thumb” applied, where men in England and America were allowed to discipline their wives with a stick no thicker than their thumbs.

Today, we may be more aware of social injustices, but domestic violence remains problematic. More than 12 million women and men are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking every year in the United States. More than one-third of women and one-fourth of men have been raped, assaulted, or stalked by an intimate partner.

Such problems have never gone away despite activism and legislation like the Violence Against Women Act, but there are several programs emerging all over the United States that are designed to prevent, protect, and educate.

Domestic Violence Defined
Domestic violence is far more than simply being pushed around. Abuse comes in many forms and can affect anyone. Types of violence include:

Physical: pushing, kicking, shoving, hitting, strangling
Verbal or emotional: threats, humiliation, insults, intimidation, monitoring, social isolation
Sexual: sexual abuse, rape, genital mutilation, harassment, overseeing birth control
Abuse can take a number of forms. Technology or social media can be used to harass, threaten, stalk, or monitor a current or former partner.

Stalking can be done in real life, too, by following someone’s activities or leaving unwelcome gifts. Abuse can be economic as well, in that one partner controls the finances, or withholds or takes money, or keeps the other partner from working.

Some sources bring up symbolic violence as well, where the media or culture either perpetuate or normalize brutality, in particular against women.

While this problem is far from solved, in recent years new tactics are being implemented to try to put a stop to intimate partner violence.




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